
In order to configure the equipment and confirm efficiency and accuracy of remote detection and identification of different types of oil (“light”, “heavy”, “sealed”) and reservoir rocks before the start of on-site survey, stationary and portable equipment is tested in laboratory conditions for the selective registration of oil, ore samples and samples of oil-bearing reservoir rocks from various distances (25 m and 50 m). At the same time, by regulating the threshold of sensitivity of the measuring equipment, we achieve the selective identification of each reference element or type of oil samples and rocks located close to each other.

List of main stationary and portable equipment

The applied complex of earth resonance sensing consists of the following installations, equipment, instruments and software products.

At the first stage of work, the following equipment is used:

  • nuclear magnetic resonance research unit;
  • class 2 chemical and radiochemical laboratories for working with isotopes;
  • technological unit for chemical processing of photographs with the equipment of vacuum application on them prepared lactose solutions
  • electronic stations for scanning information and energy spectra from minerals samples and recording them on “test” and “working” holograms (matrices);
  • master holographic matrices with recorded NMR spectra of surveyed substances atoms
  • electromagnetic camera for visualization of the deposits contour boundaries on the processed aerospace images and transferring them onto the geological map of the search area using a video camera combined with a computer
  • software-computing and editorial-publishing complexes for the preparation of maps, calculation materials and reporting documents for the assessment of explored ore deposit resources.

At the second stage of work the portable equipment is used, as well as various auxiliary materials:

  • samples of ores, geographical maps and colour photographs of known deposits from the company’s library are used for setting up and testing the operability of the portable equipment;
  • frequency emission generators in various ranges;
  • receiving and transmitting equipment of resonant radiation;
  • receiving narrowly directed antennas;
  • geophysical instruments;
  • portable devices for visual registration of spectral resonance lines of substances (water, hydrocarbons and polymetals) at the boundaries of the sites contours;
  • GPS receivers, portable radio stations and field accommodation accessories for in field living conditions;
  • laptop with a software package for determining the coordinates of the points of the surveyed area and displaying them on a geographical map in the field conditions.