By ingenious remote sensing expertise plus corroborating field works derived from the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) theory, commercially relevant anomalies are identified, delineated and geologically substantiated.
Beneficial pre-knowledge on economic feasibility of acreage is provided; further, recommendation on best area for targeted seismic (if so pursued); the identification and geological validation of best spot for appraisal act.
The application of three integrated disciplines of patented remote sensing acumen, scientifically vindicated NMR field works and the ultimate G & G authentication of the findings, wields a potent and innovative toolkit that is as disruptive as it is efficient.
The resonant frequencies of the reference molecule‘s atoms are imposed/modulated on the carrier frequency by a high-frequency generator. High-frequency electromagnetic fields, characteristic of the reference sample‘s elements, are induced above an oil accumulation by its resonating frequencies. Each characteristic electromagnetic field is sequentially recorded by a sensitive receiving device tuned to register resonant frequencies of the reference sample‘s atoms, ensuring a plausible identification of petroleum accumulations.
The method of oil and rock types of oil-saturated reservoirs remote identification using the field equipment is based on the use of generators of microwave radiation of gigahertz frequency for resonant excitation of atoms of substances in oil-tight rocks and metal atoms contained in various types of oil.
Remote identification (recognition) of oil and oil saturated rocks to depths of 6,000 m is performed using resonant phenomena of substances when exposed to radio frequency radiation on the atoms of elements (NMR spectroscopy), which are part of a specific type of oil or various types of rocks. To send radiofrequency resonant radiation to great depths, gigahertz frequency microwave radiation generators with a rotational electromagnetic field in the radiation energy channel are used. The frequency resonance spectra of atoms of reference chemical elements (Ni, V, C, P, S, etc.) and information-energy spectra (integral spectra) of oil samples and reservoir rocks of various porosity are modulated to the operating frequency of the microwave generator. Resonance spectra (NMR spectra) of metal atoms that are part of the identified substances and selected as reference elements are recorded on NMR units in the frequency range from 60 to 250 MHz. Resonant information and energy spectra of substances (integral spectra) are recorded directly from samples of oil using high-frequency blocks of resonant test equipment.