Remote Sensing Survey

At the first stage, the work is carried out Earth using remote sensing means to process space images using proprietary radiation and chemical technologies. At the same time, the types of anomalies (oil, gas, ore, water) are identified, the boundaries of their contours and the approximate depths of the reservoirs are determined.

  1. Detecting the presence or absence of hydrocarbons. We answer the question whether hydrocarbons in this anomaly are in volumes suitable for industrial development or not (zones of increased brightness).
  2. We outline the prospective anomaly boundaries with a spread of +/- 20 meters:
    1. deciphering digital images (the traditional method – determining the change of vegetation colour, so called “Hypsochromic shift” or “Blue shift”);
    2. deciphering analogue images (an innovative method – using luminophores, sensitizers, irradiation in a nuclear reactor and, as a result, illumination of areas of promising anomalies)
  3. We identify the type of hydrocarbons – oil, gas or gas condensate.
  4. We outline the boundaries of the contours of tectonic faults with a tolerance of +/-20 meters and we specify the directions of oil flows.
  5. We calculate the depths of the reservoir at one or two selected points.
  6. We conduct the research on an area of 100 to 3,600 km2 within 2-3 months.
  7. The reliability degree of detecting the promising recoverable oil deposits at the first stage reaches 60-65%, and it increases up till 70% should hydrocarbon samples are provided.
  8. Ultimately, it is concluded that the identified anomalies are prospective or not for further development by traditional methods or that it is necessary to conduct on-site survey of the second stage.